Associate Professor
JF 305


Ph.D. in Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Laurea in Philosophy, Università degli Studi do Milano (Italy).


Research Interests: 

Formal semantics, formal pragmatics, and their interaction with syntax focusing on the following empirical domains across languages: Negative Polarity and Negative Concord, interrogative sentences and predicates that embed them, presupposition projection, and focus associating particles.


Books and edited volumes: 

Guerzoni, E. and O. Matushansky (eds.). 2001. A Few from Building E39. Papers in Syntax, Semantics and their Interface. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. 39.

Guerzoni, E. and Y. Sharvit. You can Ask Whatever You Want: A general Introduction to The Semantics of Questions. (Oxford University Press) (In progress)

Articles and book chapters: 

Peer-reviewed book chapters

Guerzoni, E. 2022. “On Karttunen’s ‘The syntax and semantics of questions’ ”. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 100. Editors: Cleo Condoravdi, Louise McNally , and Zoltan Szabo. Springer: The Netherlands. ISSN: 0924-4662

Guerzoni, E. & Sharvit, Y. (2014). Whether or not Anything but not Whether Anything or not. In: L. Crniç & U. Sauerland (Eds.), The Art and Craft of Semantics: A Festschrift for Irene Heim. MTWIPL Publisher. (pp. 199-224)

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Guerzoni, E. & Sharvit, Y. (2007). A Question of Strength: On NPIs in Interrogative Clauses. Linguistics and Philosophy, 30(3): 361-391. The Netherlands: Springer.
(Index: SSCI ; Quartile: Q1)

Guerzoni, E. (2006). Intervention Effects on NPIs and Feature Movement: Towards a Unified Account of Intervention. Natural Language Semantics, 14(4) 359-398. The Netherlands: Springer.
(Index: SSCI ; Quartile: Q1)

Guerzoni, E. (2004). Even-NPIs in yes/no Questions. Natural Language Semantics, 12(4): 319-343. The Netherlands: Springer.
(Index: SSCI ; Quartile: Q1)

Peer-reviewed Proceedings

Guerzoni, E. 2007. “Weak Exhaustivity and Whether: A Pragmatic Approach”, Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) XVII.  Ithaca, NY: CLC Publications. 112-139.

Guerzoni, E. and D. Lim. 2007. “Even if, Factivity and Focus”, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 11. E. Puig-Waldmüller (ed.). Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 276-290

Alonso Ovalle, L. and E. Guerzoni. 2004 “Double Negatives, Negative Concord and Metalinguistic Negation”, Proceedings of CLS 38.1: The Main Session. Mary Androni, Erin Debenport, Anne Pycha and Keiko Yoshimura (eds.). Chicago Linguistic Society Publications, Chicago, IL.  15-31.

Guerzoni, E and Y. Sharvit. 2003 “Reconstruction and its Problems”, Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Proceedings Paul Dekker and Robert van Rooy (eds.), ILLC, Amsterdam (NL). 205-210.

Guerzoni, E. 2003. “Even and Minimizer NPIs in Wh-Questions”, Proceedings of the 31st Western Conference On Linguistics. WECOL 2002. Volume 14. Agbayani, Brian, Paivi Koskinen and Vida Samiian (eds.). Fresno CA.  99-111.

Guerzoni, E. 2001. “Even-NPIs in Questions”, Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Proceedings. Robert van Rooy and Martin Stokhof (eds.), ILLC, Amsterdam (NL). 102-107.

Guerzoni, E. 2001. “Even-NPIs in Questions”, Proceedings of NELS (North Eastern Linguistic Society) 32 . Masako Hirotani (ed.). GLSA Publishers. Amherst, MA.153-170.

Guerzoni, E. 2000. “Towards a Movement-based Account of the Locality Constraints on NPIs”, Proceedings of CONSOLE 8.Chirsitne Czinglar, Katharina Köler, Erika Thrift, Erik van der Torre & Malte Zimmerman (eds.) SOLE Publishers, Leiden (NL).125-138.

Manuscripts for submission

Dikmen, Furkan, E. Guerzoni and Ö. Demirok. A Monster Can Shake Your Grounds. On Turkish”Hani”. (In progress)

Guerzoni, E. “Stress in The Italian Verb System: A morphology-driven Account”. For submission to Glossa. (In progress)


Talks / Presentations: 

Invited Keynote Addresses

“Also...only: The scope theory of minimizer NPIs” Keynote Address at the Boğaziçi University Student Conference. 2018.

“-Whether or not-, ...or not?” Keynote address at the annual meeting of the Korean Society of Language and Information. Hongik University, Seoul (Korea). 2013.

“Intervention effects, Negative Polarity and Alternative Questions” (preliminary title) Invited Speaker at the Workshop “Intervention Effects from a Semantic Perspective. April 27, 2011 GLOW (Generative Linguistics in the Old World) 34, University of Vienna (Austria). April 27, 2011.

“The Scope of Scalarity, Additivity and Exclusivity in the Composition of Some NPIs.” Invited Speaker at the Symposium “Semantic/Pragmatic Perspective on Negative Polarity Items.” 2007 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Anaheim, CA. January 6th, 2007.

“When Even is Also Only”. Invited Speaker at the Workshop Polarity from Different Perspectives, sponsored by the Department of Linguistics, New York University. March 12, 2005.

Commentator on “Embedded Pronouns” by Yael Sharvit at the second USC Workshop in Linguistics and Philosophy: Syntax and Semantics with Attitude. April 17, 2005.

Invited Talks

“Whether or not NPIs in Questions”. With Yael Sharvit. Invited Talk at the Workshop on Negation. Hebrew University, Tel Aviv (Israel). February 8-10, 2015.

“Questions on Negation in Questions”. Research Colloquium. University of Texas Austin. April 13,2012.

“Negative Concord, Presupposition and Focus. ” Research Colloquium. University of Connecticut. Storrs, October 2, 2009.

“Focus Particles, Presupposition Projection and Negative Polarity.” University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. March 4, 2008.

“The Scope of Scalarity and Concessivity: On Even, Only and Even if.” University of Tübingen. (Germany). November 27, 2006.

“The Scope of Scalarity and Concessivity: On Even, Only and Even If.” University of Milano, Bicocca (Italy). BILL Seminar Series. December 14, 2006.

“Scalarity in Focus. A Study of Scalar Focus Particles and Polarity in Germanic and Romance Languages.” University of Konstanz (Germany). February 13, 2006.

“Why Even Ask?” Research Colloquium. McGill University. Montreal, Canada. January 14, 2005.

“Why Even Ask?” Research Colloquium, University of Wisconsin at Madison. May 2004.

“Why Even Ask?” Research Colloquium, University of California Los Angeles. April 2004.

“Interrogatives, Presupposition Projection and Bias”. University of Southern California. 2003

“Negative Concord: A Classic Puzzle in Romance Linguistics.” Dept. of Modern Languages and Linguistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, (Canada). 2003.

Talks at Peer-reviewed conferences

“NPIs in Questions, Disjunction and Ellipsis” with Yael Sharvit. GLOW 37, Brussels (Belgium). April 2nd-4th 2014.

“-Whether or not anyone- but not -Whether anybody or not-.” 19th International Congress of Linguists. Geneva (Switzerland). May 22nd-27th, 2013

Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 17. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. ‘Weak Exhaustivity: a Pragmatic Account”. May, 11th, 2007.

Sinn und Bedeutung 11. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Paper coauthored with Dongsik Lim: ‘Even if, Factivity and Focus.’ Sept.23rd, 2006.

The 2006 Milano Meeting. Gargnano (Italy). Paper coauthored with Dongsik Lim: ‘Even if, Factivity and Focus.’ June 16th 2006.

The Fourteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam (NL). Paper coauthored with Yael Sharvit: ‘Reconstruction and Its Problems.’ December 2003.

Workshop on Polarity, Scalar Phenomena and Implicatures, (With Yael Sharvit), Universtià degli Studi di Milano, Bicocca. ‘Question Embedding Predicates that Support Downward Inferences.’ June 2003.

Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 13. University of Washington Seattle (WA). ‘A Lahiri-type analysis of Auch Nur and Anche Solo.’ May, 2003.

Les Journées Scientifiques, Sémantiques et Modélisation. Paris, (France). Paper coauthored with Yael Sharvit: ‘NPIs in questions and Downward Entailingness.’ March 2003.

MIT, UConn, UMass Workshop in Semantics. (With Yael Sharvit). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. ‘The Wonders of Any.’ November 2002.

The Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 2002. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, D.C. (Canada). ‘Minimizers, Questions and Exhaustivity.’ November 2002.

Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 38. (With Luis Alonso Ovalle). Chicago (IL). ‘Double Negatives, Negative Concord and Metalinguistic Negation.’ April 2002.

The North Eastern Linguistic Society (NELS) 32. NYU & CUNY Graduate Center, New York. ‘Even-NPIs in Questions.’ October 2001.

The XVII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Trieste, Italy. ‘Italian N-words as NPIs.’ March 2001.

Going Romance. 14th Symposium on Romance Linguistics, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics - OTS (UiL OTS) Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics (HIL). ‘Tense and Stress in Italian Verbs.’ December 2000.

The 8th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (CONSOLE 8), University of Vienna, Austria. ‘Towards a Movement-based Account of the Locality Constraints on NPIs.’

Alternate at Peer-reviewed conferences

West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics XII. San Diego (CA). ‘Saying Not Even and Meaning Even Not: Compositionality and Scope.’ March 2003.

The Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam, NL. ‘Even NPIs in Questions.’ December 2001.


Questions Reflections. 2th graduate seminar for the XXXI cycle of Ph.D. in Neurocognition and Philisophy of Mind. NETS, IUSS Center for Neurocognition, Epistemology and Theoretical Syntax. November 27th, Pavia (Italy)

“Whether or not Anything but not Whether Anything or not” invited poster presentation with Y. Sharvit at the pre-NELS birthday celebration and Festschrift presentation for Irene Heim. MIT. Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. October 30th , 2014.

When Even is Also Only.” Syntax+. Department of Linguistics, USC. March.

Beyond Grice.” Syntax+. Department of Linguistics, USC. October.

“Constituent Questions, Even and Exhaustivity.” Syntax-Semantics Reading Group, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT. October.

Double Negatives, Negative Concord and Metalinguistic Negation. (With Luis Alonso Ovalle.) Syntax-Semantics Reading Group, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT. April.

Even-NPIs in Questions. Ling-lunch, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT. Otober. Italian N-words as NPIs. Syntax-Semantics Reading Group, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT. February.

One More Sloppy Identity Puzzle. Presentation in the LF-reading group, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT. April.

Undergraduate Courses Taught

Ling 111 and Ling 101. Introduction to Linguistics

Ling 305 Semantics

Graduate Courses Taught

Ling 504 Semantics

Ling 58C Special Topics in Advanced Semantics

Ling 58V Special Topics in Advanced Semantics

Ling 579 Linguistic Seminar

Ling 572 Directed Readings in Linguistics

Ling 570 Guided Studies in Linguistics

Ling 613 Presupposition and Implicature

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