

  • Prep Advisor
JF 301




Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Minnesota

Minor in Cognitive Science, University of Minnesota 

MA in Linguistics, University of Minnesota


Research Interests: 

Learnability of Human Languages, Language and Cognition, First Language Acquisition, Morphology, Information Structure in Turkish, Prosody-Pragmatics/Semantics Interface.



Research Projects: 
  • PI, Prosody and the development of comprehension in the acquisition of Turkish (2018-2020)
  • Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Grant #14041
  • PI, Acquisition of Argument Structure and Complementation (2014-2017)
  • Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Grant #7949
  • PI, Acquisition of some tense/ aspect and modality markers in Turkish (2010-2013)
  • Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Grant #5075
  • PI, Acquisition of Irregular Morphology in Turkish (2007-2009)
  • Boğaziçi University Research Fund, Grant #769


Articles and book chapters: 

Nakipoğlu, M. & Uzundağ, B. (in prep). Phonological cues override stress and grammatical category cues in morpheme segmentation. 

Sarı, G. & Nakipoğlu, M. (under review). Acquisition of Clefts and Prosodic Focus in Turkish. 

Nakipoğlu M., Uzundag B.A., Ketrez, N.F. (2023). Analogy is Indispensable but Rule is a Must: Insights From Turkish. Journal of Child Language, Vol. 50 -Issue 2 - pp. 437-463. Published online March 09, 2022.   https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000921000921

Nakipoğlu, M., Uzundag, B.A., Sarıgül, Ö. (2022). Young minds’ quest for regularity: Evidence from the Turkish causative. Journal of Child Language 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000921000672 

Nakipoğlu, M., Michon, E. (2020). Analogy and Abstraction in the Turkish Aorist.  In Gürer, A., Uygun Gökmen, D., & Öztürk B. (eds.). Morphological complexity within and across boundaries, 13-38. John Benjamins.

Nakipoğlu, M., Avar, B. & Hendek, M. (2020). Child Turkish and the Development of Case. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Turcologica 121, (221-226). Harrassowitz Verlag. 

Nakipoğlu, M. (2019). Towards a model of the relation between prosodic structure and object displacement in Turkish.  In Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 97 (261-286), Springer.

Michon, E., Nakipoğlu, M. (2019). Rule-based vs. similarity-based generalization: an experimental study on the Turkish aorist.  Proceedings of the 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, MMM12 (pp. 54-63). 

Topaloğlu, S., Nakipoğlu, M. (2019). Using Prosody to Compute Alternative Sets: the case of the Turkish particle dA. BUCLD 43 Proceedings (679-692), Cascadilla Press.

Topaloğlu, S. & Nakipoğlu, M. (2017). Sınırlayıcı Odak Parçacığı Sadece'nin Edinimi. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2017-I (1-28). 

Nakipoğlu, M., Avar, B., & Hendek, M. (2017). Türkçede Üye Yapısı ve Durum Eklerinin Edinimi: Köpeği sarılıp, ineği şaşırıp, filden gülmek!. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildiri Kitapçığı ( 211-218). Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları.

Topaloğlu, S & Nakipoğlu, M. (2017). How Turkish-Speaking Children Interpret Pre-verbal sadece (‘only’): the Role of Prosody and Pragmatics. BUCLD 41 Proceedings (665-678), Cascadilla Press. 

Nakipoğlu, M., Üntak, A. & Furman, R. (2016). Acquisition of morphophonemic alternations and the role of Frequency. In Exploring the Turkish Linguistic Landscape: Essays in Honour of Eser E. Erguvanlı-Taylan, Studies in Language Companion Series (pp. 157-182) (editors: Werner Abraham & Elly van Gelderen).

Topaloğlu, S. & Nakipoğlu, M. (2016). Children's Interpretation of the focus particle only. In Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development.

Nakipoğlu, M. & Yıldız, E. (2015). Complementation and Acquisition: The case of Turkish. In Ankara Papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (pp. 267-276). Turcologica. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Yıldız, E. & Nakipoğlu, M. (2012). How do children acquire the negative of the Turkish aorist? In Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (pp. 581-591). Szeged, Hungary. 

Yıldız, E. & Nakipoğlu, M. (2011). Edinimde genellemeler ve kişi ekleri [Generalizations in Acquisition and the agreement markers]. In Proceedings of 25th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Çukurova University Publications. (pp. 201-210)

Yıldız, E. & Nakipoğlu, M. (2011). Türkçe Geniş Zamanda Olumsuz ve Edinim [Acquisition and the negative of the Turkish aorist]. In Proceedings of 24th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. METU Publications. (pp. 322-330)

Nakipoğlu, M., Sarıgül, Ö. & Yumrutaş, N. (2011). -(I)yor’un ediniminin düşündürdükleri [Re-thinking the acquisition of –(I)yor]. In Proceedings of 24th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. METU Publications. (pp. 210-220)

Nakipoğlu, M. (2009). The semantics of the Turkish accusative marked definites and the relation between prosodic structure and information structureLingua, 119 (9): 1253-1280.

Nakipoğlu, M. (2009). Türkçe'de kullanılan vücut sözcükleri [Words for Body Parts in Turkish]. In Proceedings of 22nd National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Yayınları. (pp. 319-330)

Nakipoğlu, M. & Yumrutaş, N. (2009). Acquisition of clitics. In S. Ay, Ö. Aydın, İ. Ergenç, S. Gökmen, S. İşsever, & D. Peçenek (Eds.), Essays on Turkish Linguistics: Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Turkish linguistics. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag. (pp. 331-340)

Nakipoğlu, M. & Üntak, A. (2008). A complete verb lexicon of Turkish based on morphemic analysisTurkic Languages 12: 221-280. Harrassowitz Verlag.

Gürcanlı, Ö., Nakipoğlu, M. & Özyürek, A.. (2007) Shared information and argument omission in Turkish. In Proceedings of the 31st annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Nakipoğlu, M. & Ketrez, N. (2006). Children's Overregularizations and Irregularizations of the Turkish Aorist. In D. Bamman, T. Magnitskaia & C. Zaller (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 399- 410). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 

Nakipoğlu, M. & Üntak, A. (2006) Türkçe'de eylem sayısı ve eylemlerin biçimbirimsel özellikleri. Dilbilim Araştırmaları (pp. 129-164). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi. 

Arısoy, E., Arslan, L. M., Nakipoğlu Demiralp, M., Ekenel, H. K., Kelepir, M., Meral, H. M., Özsoy, A. S., Şayli, Ö., Türk, O., Yolcu-Kamali, B. (2006). Turkish Vowels. In S. Yağcıoğlu (Ed.) Advances in Turkish Linguistics: Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics.

Nakipoğlu-Demiralp, M. (2003) Recent findings on the biological bases of language. Dilbilim Araştırmaları (pp. 79-98). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları. 

Nakipoğlu-Demiralp, M. (2002). Türkçe'deki ayrık-geçişsiz eylemlerin olay yapısal bir incelemesi [An Event structural analysis of split intransitives in Turkish]Dilbilim Araştırmaları (pp. 1-16). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları. 

Nakipoğlu-Demiralp, M. (2001). The referential properties of the implicit arguments of impersonal passives in Turkish. Linguistik Aktuell (Linguistics Today) 44. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Nakipoğlu, M. (2000) On the aspectual properties of unaccusatives. In Studies on Turkish and Turkic Languages: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (pp. 67-74). Harrassowitz Graphics. 

Books and edited volumes

Özsoy, S. & Nakipoğlu, M. (Eds.). (2009). Noam Chomsky on Language and Cognition. Lincom Europa.

Özsoy, A. S., Akar, D., Nakipoğlu-Demiralp, M., Erguvanlı-Taylan, E. & Aksu-Koç, A. (Eds.). (2003). Studies in Turkish Linguistics; Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. İstanbul, Boğaziçi University Press.

Unpublished manuscripts

The Turkish accusative and the relation between focus structure and object displacement. (2004). Manuscript. Boğaziçi University.

Split Intransitivity and the Syntax-Semantics Interface In Turkish. PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota

The Tense-Aspect-Mood Systems of Tibetan and Turkish: A Contrastive Analysis. MA Thesis, University of Minnesota.

Talks / Presentations: 

Kara, E. G. & M. Nakipoğlu (2024). Young Learners’ Regularization Behavior and The Role of Inhibitory Control Skills. Poster presented at the 10th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science.

(2021) 'Acquisition of attitude verbs: dissociation between know and think in Turkish' to be presented w/ E. Demiral at the 15th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language. Philadelphia, USA. 

(2021) 'Negation and (Non)Factive Verbs in Child Turkish' to be presented w/ M. Hendek at the 15th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language. Philadelphia, USA.

(2019) Rule-based vs. similarity-based generalization: an experimental study on the Turkish Aorist. Paper presented w/ Elise Michon at the 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM12), Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

(2018) Acquisition of dA: an ambiguous particle that signals both additive focus and contrastive topic. Paper presented w/ S. Topaloğlu at BUCLD 43, Boston, USA.

(2017) Dissociation between Structural Case and Lexical Case: Evidence from Child Turkish. Poster presented with B. Avar and M. Hendek at IASCL 2017, Lyon, France. 

(2017) Do Turkish children dissociate between structural case and lexical case? Paper presented with B. Avar and M. Hendek at the 17th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Çukurova University. 

(2016) How Turkish-speaking children interpret pre-verbal sadece 'only': the role of prosody and pragmatics. Poster presented w/ S. Topaloğlu at BUCLD 41, Boston, USA. 

(2016) Dissociation between Structural and Lexical Case: Evidence from Child Turkish. Paper presented with B. Avar and M. Hendek at LingDay 2016, Boğaziçi University.

(2016) Child Turkish and the Development of Case. Paper presented w/ B. Avar and M. Hendek at CAPHL 2, Berlin, Germany.

(2016) How Turkish-speaking children interpret sadece 'only' in different syntactic contexts: the role of prosody and pragmatics. Paper presented w/ S. Topaloğlu at CAPHL 2, Berlin, Germany.

(2016) Üye Yapısı ve Durum Eklerinin Edinimi [Acquisition of Argument Structure and Case]. Paper presented with B. Avar and M. Hendek at 30. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Ankara.

(2016) Sınırlayıcı Odak Parçacığı Sadece’nin Edinimi. Paper presented with S. Topaloğlu at 30. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Ankara.

(2016) Child Turkish and the Development of Case. Poster presented with B. Avar and M. Hendek at the International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Yeditepe University.

(2016) At the Syntax / Semantics / Pragmatics Interface: Where Prosody Helps Focus-Set Identification and Where It Fails. Poster presented w/ S. Topaloğlu at the International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Yeditepe University.

(2015) Children's Understanding of Weak Negative Epistemic Sentences in Turkish. Paper presented w/ M. Hendek at Göttingen Workshop on Negation. Göttingen, Germany. 

(2015) Children's Interpretation of the focus particle sadece 'only' in Turkish. Poster presented with S. Topaloğlu at BUCLD 40, Boston, USA.

(2015) Frequency effects in Morphological Processing. Poster presented with O. Bilgin at the 2nd International Conference on Brain and Cognitive Science, METU, Ankara. 

(2014) Learning complementation in Turkish. Paper presented with M. Hendek & B. Avar at the International Workshop on Children's Acquisition of Head-Final Languages, Harvard University, Boston, USA. 

(2014) Complementation and acquisition: The case of Turkish. Paper presented with E. Yıldız at the 17th International Conference on Language Development, Rouen, France.

(2012) Frequency of use and the Turkish causative. Poster presented with Sarıgül, Yıldız & Yumrutaş at Boston University Conference on Language Development 35, Boston, USA. 

(2012) Rules, Frequency of Use and the Turkish Causative. Paper presented with Ö. Sarıgül and E. Yıldız at LingDay 2012, Boğaziçi University.

(2012) Complementation and Acquisition. Paper presented with E. Yıldız & B. Yakut at 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics at METU.

(2012) Frequency of use and the acquisition of the Turkish causative. Paper presented with Ö. Sarıgül, E. Yıldız & N. Yumrutaş at 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics at METU.

(2011) The path children follow in the acquisition of the Turkish causative. Poster presented with Sarıgül, Yumrutaş & Yıldız at 12th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Montreal, Canada.

(2011) Türemiş Sözcüklere Erişim ve Kullanım Sıklığının Rolü [ Lexical Access to Derived words: The role of frequency]. Paper presented with M. Kaya at the 25th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Çukurova University, Adana.

(2011) Edinimde Genellemeler ve Kişi Ekleri [Agreement markers and generalizations in acquisition]. Paper presented with E. Yıldız at the 25th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Çukurova University, Adana.

(2010) Acquisition of the Turkish Causative. Paper presented with Ö. Sarıgül, N. Yumrutaş & M. Kelepir at the 15th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Szeged, Hungary.

(2010) How do Turkish speaking children acquire the negative of aorist? Paper presented with E. Yıldız at the 15th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Szeged, Hungary.

(2010) Edinim ve -Iyor ekinin düşündürdükleri. Paper presented with Ö. Sarıgül and N. Yumrutaş in the 24th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Ankara, Turkey.

(2010) Türkçe konuşan çocuklar geniş zamanın olumsuzunu nasıl edinir? Paper presented with E. Yıldız and at the 24th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Ankara, Turkey.

(2009) -Iyor eki ve edinim. Paper presented with Özge Sarıgül and Neslihan Yumrutaş in the 23th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Cyprus, Turkey.

(2008) Acquisition of Clitics. Paper presented with N. Yumrutaş at the 14th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Antalya, Turkey.

(2008) Türkçe'de vücut sözcüklerinin kökenlerinin incelenmesi. Paper presented in the 22th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van, Turkey.

(2006) Shared information and argument omission in Turkish. Paper presented with Ö. Gürcanlı and A. Özyürek at Boston University Conference on Language Development 31, Boston, MA.

(2006) What does the acquisition of stems that undergo phonological alternation reveal about rule application? Paper presented with A.Üntak at the 13th Int'l Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Uppsala, Sweden.

(2006) Poster presented at 12th Morphology Meeting, The Turkish Aorist Overregularizations and Irregularizations. Budapest, Hungary.

(2005) Children's overregularizations and irregularizations of the Turkish aorist. Paper presented with N. Ketrez at Boston University Conference on Language Development 30, Boston, MA.

(2005) Acquisition of the Turkish aorist: A rare case of irregular morphology. Paper presented with N. Ketrez at Linguistic Society of America, Oakland, CA.

(2004) Acquisition of the Turkish Aorist. Paper presented in 12th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir. August 11-13, 2004.

(2002) Case and Delimitedness. Paper presented in 11th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Eastern Mediterranean University. North Cyprus.

(1999) Türkçe'de Ayrık Geçişsizlerin Olay Yapısal bir İncelemesi. Paper presented in 13th National Conference on Turkish Linguistics. Boğaziçi University, İstanbul.

(1998) On the Aspectual Properties of Unaccusatives. Paper presented in the Ninth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, University of Oxford.

(1998) An Event Structural Analysis of Turkish Split Intransitives. Paper presented in Linguistic Society of America, Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Supervised Theses

Linguistics (recent)

Deniz Güden (ongoing)

  • Uğurcan Vurgun (2019)
  • The Syntax of focus particles in Turkish (co-advised w/ Sumru Özsoy)
  • Melike Hendek (2019)
  • How Turkish-speaking children tackle negation when it combines with modality and (non)factivity 
  • Simge Topaloğlu (2018) 
  • Children's comprehension of presuppositions introduced by focus particles: Evidence from Turkish
  • Seda Akpınar (2015) 
  • Processing genitive-possessive long distance dependencies in Turkish (co-advised w/ Barış Kahraman)

Cognitive Science 

  • Gülfem Sarı (2024)
  • Acquisition of Clefts and Prosodic Focus in Turkish
  • Hüseyin Demirtaş (2018) 
  • The effect of frequency on the comprehension of multi-word phrases in Turkish (co-advised w/ A. A. Salah)
  • Elise Michon (2017) 
  • Velir or veler? Exploring Adults' knowledge of an irregular pattern: The Turkish Aorist (co-advised with A. Özgül)
  • Orhan Bilgin (2016) 
  • Frequency effects in the processing of morphologically complex Turkish words  (co-advised w/ A. Özgül)
  • Dorina Strori (2012)
  • The Impact of non-active morphology on the early acquisition of verb constructions in Albanian (co-advised w/ E. Mungan)
  • Elif Eyigöz (2007)
  • A Lexicon for Idiomatic Compounds in Turkish

Verdiği Lisans dersleri

LING 101                     Introduction to Language and Lingusitics I

LING 102                     Introduction to Language and Linguistics II

LING 202                     Morphology

LING 321                     Turkish-English Contrastive Analysis

LING 302                     Syntax

LING 313                     The Phonology and Morphology of Modern Turkish

LING 411                     Linguistic Methodology

LING 497                     Special topics: Language and the Brain

LING 461/316             Brain and Language

LING 498/ 48N            Language and Cognition

TK 204                          Structure of Modern Turkish

Verdiği Yüksek Lisans/Doktora dersleri

LING 512        Morphological Analysis

LING 544         Syntactic Theory

LING 580         Special topics: Brain and Language

LING 598         Language and Cognition

LING 680         Seminar on Brain and Language

LING 612         Morphological Theory

LING 584         Language Processing

LING 58B         Special Topics: Language Acquisition

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