Assistant Professor
  • Incoming Exchange & Erasmus Coordinator
  • Freshman Advisor
JF 312


2008    PhD in Linguistics, University of Padua, Italy.
2002    M.A. in Communication Sciences, University of Turin, Italy.


Research Interests: 

Phonological representations, feature theory, stress, lenition, vowel harmony, diachronic phonology, phonetics/phonology interrelations, history of linguistics

Research Projects: 

January 2020-Present: BAP (Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri) start-up project n. 16021 “Syllabic phonology”.

June 2015 – May 2017: Post-doctoral fellowship (‘Assegno di ricerca’), Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies, University of Padua. Title of the project: Variation and Irregularity of Sound Change in Romance. Head of the project: Prof. Laura Vanelli.

January 2009 – December 2010: Post-doctoral fellowship (‘Assegno di ricerca’), Department of Linguistics, University of Padua. Title of the project: Armonie vocaliche nei dialetti italiani: l’innalzamento delle vocali in friulano e altri fenomeni [Vowel harmony in Italian dialects: vowel raising in Friulian and other phenomena]. Head of the project: Prof. Laura Vanelli.


Articles and book chapters: 

Journal Articles

Canalis, Stefano. 2017. “The voiced and voiceless outcomes of intervocalic SJ in Old Tuscan”. Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali 3. (no index)

Canalis, Stefano. 2015. “Variable phonological rules and quantal perception as a source of irregular sound change: The case of intervocalic voicing in Old Tuscan”. Phonetica 72: 98-120. (Q1, Scopus Index)

Canalis, Stefano. 2014. “The voicing of intervocalic stops in Old Tuscan and probabilistic sound change”. Folia Linguistica Historica 35: 55-100. (Q2, Scopus Index)

Canalis, Stefano. 2012. “Una nuova spiegazione della sonorizzazione intervocalica in toscano antico”. Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese 6 n. s.: 41-48. (no index)

Book Chapters

Canalis, Stefano, Jesús Jiménez, Maria-Rosa Lloret & Margaret E. L. Renwick. To be published. “Vowel harmony in Romance languages”. In Harry van der Hulst & Nancy Ritter(eds), The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Canalis, Stefano. 2018. “The status of Italian glides in the syllable”. In R. Petrosino, P. Cerrone & H. van der Hulst (eds), Beyond the veil of Maya: from sounds to structures. Studies offered to Andrea Calabrese on the occasion of his 60thbirthday. Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton.

Canalis, Stefano. 2018. “Irregular open syllable diphthongization in Old Tuscan”. In Daniel Recasens & Fernando Sánchez Miret (eds), New Aspects on the Phonetic and Phonological Basis of Sound Change. München, Lincom.

Canalis, Stefano. 2016. “Metaphony in the Ticino Canton and phonological features”. In Francesc Torres-Tamarit, Kathrin Linke & Marc van Oostendorp (eds), Approaches to Metaphony in the Languages of Italy. W. de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston: 127-145.

Canalis, Stefano. 2013. “L’esito di -p-, -t-, -c- in toscano antico: un nuovo argomento a favore della presenza di sonorizzazione intervocalica”. In E. Casanova Herrero & C. Calvo Rigual (eds), Actes del 26é Congrés de Lingüística i Filologia Romàniques (València, 6-11 de setembre de 2010). W. de Gruyter, Berlin: 554-564.

Canalis, Stefano & Luigina Garrapa. 2012. “Stressed vowel duration in Italian: What paroxytones and proparoxytones have in common”. In I. Franco, S. Lusini & A. Saab (eds), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2010. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: 87-113.

Canalis, Stefano. 2010. “Come nasce un processo di armonia vocalica: il caso di Piverone”. In D. Vedovato (ed.), Quaderni di lavoro ASIt 10 – Atti della XV Giornata di dialettologia: 83-96. Available at

Canalis, Stefano. 2009. “Post-tonic vowel harmony in some dialects of Central Italy: The role of prosodic structure, contrast and consonants”. In M. Vigário, S. Frota & M. Joao Freita (eds), Phonetics and Phonology: Interactions and Interrelations. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: 247-266.

Canalis, Stefano. 2009. “Osservazioni fonologiche su alcune varietà calabresi”. In D. Pescarini (ed.), Studi sui dialetti della Calabria. Unipress, Padova: 77-84.

Canalis, Stefano. 2007. “Nessi consonantici in piemontese”. In G. Marcato (ed.), Dialetto, memoria e fantasia. Unipress, Padova: 171-180.

Canalis, Stefano. 2007. “Pugliese e salentino: alcuni fenomeni fonologici”. In F. Damonte & J. Garzonio (ed.), Studi sui dialetti della Puglia. Unipress, Padova: 29-40.

Talks / Presentations: 


Canalis, Stefano, Semra Özdemir, Ümit Tunçer & Utku Türk. Accepted. “The phonological nature of the Turkish front glide”. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Turkish Linguistics, Turcologica series. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag.

Canalis, Stefano & Elif Esra Sarmış. 2021. “High vowel shortening in Turkish”. Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic, vol. 6.

Canalis, Stefano & Furkan Dikmen. 2020. “Turkish palatalized consonants and vowel harmony”. Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic 5: 41-55.

Canalis, Stefano & Luigina Garrapa. 2011. “La durata delle vocali toniche in italiano: parossitoni e proparossitoni”. In B. Gili-Fivela, M. Grimaldi, A. Stella & L. Garrapa (eds), Atti del 7o Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce. Bulzoni, Roma: 47-61.

Canalis, Stefano. 2008. “Stress and feet in Italian”. In A. Donakey, A. Joubert, F. Nereo & C. Themistocleus (eds), Proceedings of the 16th International Postgraduate Linguistics Conference. Department of Linguistics and English Language, The University of Manchester, Manchester: 5-16.

Canalis, Stefano. 2007. “To what extent is Albanian word stress predictable?”. In A. Bisetto & F. Barbieri (eds), Proceedings of the XXXIII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Available at

Canalis, Stefano. 2007. “A note on the influence of Louis Hjelmslev’s suprasegmental phonology”. In Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken 2007: 1369-1372.

Canalis, Stefano. 2006. “Interazioni tra armonia vocalica e consonanti: alcuni problemi”. Padua Working Papers in Linguistics 1. Available at

Canalis, Stefano & Andrea Padovan. 2006. “I verbi modali in sardo”. In N. Penello & A. Padovan (eds), Osservazioni sul sardo. Quaderni di lavoro ASIT 6. Available at

Undergraduate Courses Taught


LING 101 Introduction to Language and Linguistics (2019)

LING 201 Phonology (2018-2022)

LING 320 Advanced Phonology (2018, 2021)

LING 48V Suprasegmental Phonology (2022)

LING 324 Historical Linguistics (2020)


LING104 Phonetics (2019-2022)

LING 324 Historical Linguistics (2019)

Graduate Courses Taught


LING501 Aspects of Phonology (2018-2022)


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